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Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection -Techniques and Operative Approaches

Photo Atlas of Skull Base Dissection -Techniques and Operative Approaches

販売価格: 37,400(税込)



A richly illustrated, step-by-step guide to the full range of approaches in skull base surgery, this book is designed to enable the surgeon to gain not only the technical expertise for common procedures, but to be able to confidently modify standard approaches when necessary. Full-color images of cadavers orient the surgeon to the clinical setting by presenting in precise detail the perspective encountered in the operating room. The images demonstrate surgical anatomy and the relevant structures adjacent to the exposures. Special emphasis on the relationship between the operative corridor and the surrounding anatomy helps the surgeon develop a clear understanding of whether tissues adjacent to the dissection can be exposed without complications.

More than 1,000 high-quality images demonstrate key concepts

Brief lists of "Key Steps" guide the surgeon through each step of the dissection

Concise text supplements each photograph, providing descriptions of technical maneuvers and clinical pearls

Coverage of the latest innovative approaches enables surgeons to optimize clinical techniques

Through detailed coverage of surgical anatomy and relevant adjacent structures, this book enables clinicians to develop a solid understanding of the entire operative region as well as the limits and possibilities of each skull base approach. It is an indispensable reference for neurosurgeons, head and neck surgeons, and otolaryngologists, and residents in these specialties.


著者 Masahiko, M.D., Ph.D. Wanibuchi (著), Allan H., M.D. Friedman (著), Takanori, M.D. Fukushima (著)
出版社 Thieme Medical Publisher
発刊年 2008年12月
ISBN 978-1-58890-521-5
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