眼科・脳神経外科 医学書専門書店 メディカルブックサービス

Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach

Neurovascular Anatomy in Interventional Neuroradiology: A Case-Based Approach

販売価格: 15,400(税込)


A highly practical, case-based approach to neurovascular anatomy in interventional neuroradiology

This case-based book presents detailed information on neurovascular anatomy in concise, easily digestible chapters that focus on the importance of understanding anatomy when performing neurointerventional procedures. The case discussions include modern examples of invasive and non-invasive angiographic techniques that are relevant for general radiologists and diagnostic neuroradiologists as well as interventionalists. This book gives readers the detailed knowledge of neurovascular anatomy that allows them to anticipate and avoid potential complications.

Key Features:

  • Cases are enhanced by more than 1,000 high-quality radiographs covering the full range of neurovascular anatomy
  • Content focuses on the practical relevance of the anatomical features encountered while performing everyday neurovascular procedures
  • Anatomy and embryology are explained together, enabling readers to fully comprehend the vascular anatomy and its many variants
  • Pearls and pitfalls are provided at the end of each chapter, highlighting the critical anatomy points presented

All neuroradiologists, interventionalists, general radiologists, and diagnostic neuroradiologists, as well as residents and fellows in these specialties, will read this book cover to cover and frequently consult it for a quick review before performing procedures.


著者 Krings / Geibprasert / Cruz / ter Brugge
出版社 Thieme
発刊年 2015年06月
ISBN 9781604068399
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