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Handbook of Bleeding and Coagulation for Neurosurgery

Handbook of Bleeding and Coagulation for Neurosurgery

販売価格: 11,000(税込)


This practical handbook presents the current options and best methods for bleeding prevention and management as well as treatment strategies for deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE), all of which are important yet potentially intimidating issues frequently faced by neurosurgeons. The chapters in the book are designed to help readers quickly and easily locate urgently needed information or go directly to a specific topic related to patient care.

Key Features:


  • Review of drugs and herbal products that affect coagulation with specific reversal strategies
  • Preoperative and intraoperative methods to prevent and manage blood loss including strategies for blood replacement
  • Recommendations for prophylaxis and treatment of DVT and PE
  • Chapters dealing with the management of nine specific neurosurgical situations including brain tumor, cerebrovascular, trauma, spinal and pediatric with patient examples

Comprehensive and conveniently portable, this handbook is essential for both residents and practicing neurosurgeons or ENT physicians who need to master and/or refresh their knowledge of the best approaches for prevention and management of bleeding and DVT in their patients.



著者 Hamilton / Couldwell / Golfinos / Pineo
出版社 Thieme
発刊年 2015年03月
ISBN 9781604065442
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