眼科・脳神経外科 医学書専門書店 メディカルブックサービス

Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques: Brain,2nd.2vols.

Atlas of Neurosurgical Techniques: Brain,2nd.2vols.

販売価格: 55,000(税込)


Now in two volumes - an updated atlas to help you manage diseases and disorders of the brain

This thoroughly revised and expanded atlas is the ideal reference for residents, fellows, and clinicians to review surgical procedures before entering the OR. The authors provide step-by-step descriptions of techniques, clearly delineating indications and contraindications, goals, operative preparation and anesthesia, and postoperative management.  The main focus of this book is on teaching neurosurgical techniques at the most detailed level.

Features of the second edition:

  • A new chapter on proton therapy
  • An expanded section covering the latest radiosurgery techniques
  • Nearly 3,000 high-quality images aid rapid comprehension of surgical procedures
  • Online access to more than 100 surgical technique videos

This book should be read cover to cover by young practitioners several times during their residency and it will keep more experienced neurosurgeons up-to-date on the latest surgical techniques in the field.


著者 Sekhar/Fessler
出版社 Thieme
発刊年 2015年12月
ISBN 978-1-62623-388-1
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