眼科・脳神経外科 医学書専門書店 メディカルブックサービス

Lessons learnt from 2000 cases of pituitary surgery

Lessons learnt from 2000 cases of pituitary surgery

販売価格: 6,111(税込)


The title of this book is "Lessons learnt from the accomplishment of 2000 cases of transsphenoidal pituitary surgery". This means that to learn pituitary disease with efficiency, the shortest way is to take a glance at this book! This book is a complete survey of my personal 26-year experience with pituitary surgery via the transsphenoidal approach. The selected papers in this book have been newly revised in an attempt to clarify the natural course of the patients who underwent these surgeries, and to present the most up-to-date findings in the diagnosis and treatment of pituitary diseases. Readers will find that most of them are original and unique to our institute, and contain essential matter that is extremely valuable to the field of endocrinology. Since the contents rise above the times, it usefulness would beyond our knowledge at present for the reader, but I am publishing this book in the hopes that it will become an indispensable resource for pituitary clinicians throughout the next decade and beyond.


著者 Hideyoshi Ikeda
出版社 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
発刊年 2015年04月
ISBN 978-3-659-69772-2
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