眼科・脳神経外科 医学書専門書店 メディカルブックサービス

Vascular Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.2nd.

Vascular Anatomy of the Spinal Cord.2nd.

販売価格: 17,600(税込)


This book systematically describes the angioarchitecture of the spinal cord. Microradiographs of superficial and intrinsic arterial supply and venous drainage patterns provide the anatomical basis needed to understand spinal vascular disorders. These post mortem studies are supplemented by clinical spinal angiographies and case studies.

Rapid advances in imaging technology have facilitated the solution of many diagnostic problems concerning diseases of the spine and spinal cord. But this is less true for vascular diseases of the spinal cord or diseases secondarily involving them. Furthermore, safely using interventional procedures or open surgery still requires a profound knowledge of the vascular anatomy involved. Accordingly, a growing demand for training in this special field has become evident over the last 25 years, making improvement of this knowledge in all Neuro-Specialities dealing with diagnostic and therapeutic problems of spinal disorders a highly desirable goal.


著者 Thron, Armin K.
出版社 Springer
発刊年 2016年04月
ISBN 978-3-319-27440-9
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