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Endoscopic Approaches to the Paranasal Sinuses and Skull Base: A Step-by-Step Anatomic Dissection Guide

Endoscopic Approaches to the Paranasal Sinuses and Skull Base: A Step-by-Step Anatomic Dissection Guide

販売価格: 19,800(税込)


With the continuing evolution of endoscopic techniques for surgery of lesions of the paranasal sinuses and skull base, and the reduced morbidity associated with this minimally invasive modality, the method has gained widespread use in recent years. This work offers a thorough review of all endoscopic approaches for access to the nose and paranasal sinuses and, through them, to the skull base. Central to this guide is the emphasis on profound knowledge of the complex anatomy in this area, as well as the many vital structures that can be endangered there. To this end, more than 900 full-color images, most photographs from cadaver dissections, are put to brilliant use.

Key Features:

  • Internationally renowned specialists and pioneers from Europe and the United States as editors and contributors
  • Full-color photos from fresh cadaver dissections illustrate all steps for each approach
  • Specific anatomic landmarks as revealed during each step are detailed, providing confidence in spatial orientation
  • Correlative CT sections provide crucial additional information
  • Risks and potential complications are included, as well as methods to reduce them

Endoscopic Approaches to the Paranasal Sinuses and Skull Base is intended as an indispensable guide for residents, fellows, and specialist surgeons in otolaryngology, neurosurgery, and skull base surgery.


著者 Bernal-Sprekelsen/Alobid/Ensenat/Prats-Galino
出版社 Thieme
発刊年 2017年05月
ISBN 9783132018815
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