眼科・脳神経外科 医学書専門書店 メディカルブックサービス

100 Interesting Case Studies in Neurointervention: Tips and Tricks

100 Interesting Case Studies in Neurointervention: Tips and Tricks

販売価格: 17,160(税込)


  • Contains practical case-based discussions about the technical issues in performance of neurovascular interventions 
  • Presents abundant images with depiction of various difficulties in performance of these procedures and the “tips & tricks” in solving these issues 
  • Includes images of the case, technical issues, solution and final result
  • Short write-up with each case of “Tips & Tricks’ in the particular situation Explains correct and appropriate usage of various kind of interventional material
  • Written and edited by renowned international authorities as contributors who will give cases concerning their area of expertise


著者 Gupta, Vipul, Puri, Ajit S., Parthasarathy, Rajsrinivas (Eds.)
出版社 Springer
発刊年 2019年05月
ISBN 978-981-13-1345-5
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