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Surgical Techniques in Moyamoya Vasculopathy: Tricks of the Trade

Surgical Techniques in Moyamoya Vasculopathy: Tricks of the Trade

販売価格: 17,600(税込)


A luminary in the field of cerebrovascular surgery brings his pace-setting work on the surgical management of moyamoya disease to the neurosurgical community

When the rare stroke strikes in children and youth, a likely cause is the idiopathic disease moyamoya, characterized by the slow and progressive stenosis and occlusion of the internal carotid artery and the arteries of the circle of Willis. A result of these stenoses is the formation of collaterals that are typically small and fragile, and liable to rupture.

While there is no cure for moyamoya, a variety of surgical procedures can be performed to re-establish and maintain adequate blood supply to the affected brain areas. The procedures described here include various revascularization techniques and recommended bypasses.

Key Features:

  • With contributions from the world's most renowned bypass surgeons
  • Perioperative management and considerations
  • An overall practical approach to this painstaking high-end surgery
  • Detailed criteria for analyzing the situation and choosing the appropriate procedure
  • General principles of bypass surgery, direct and indirect revascularization, and combined revascularization techniques
  • Step-by-step descriptions of these procedures
  • Rescue strategies when repeat surgery is necessary


Surgical Techniques in Moyamoya Vasculopathy is an indispensable guide for the experienced neurovascular surgeon.


著者 Vajkoczy
出版社 Thieme
発刊年 2019年11月
ISBN 978-3-13-145061-6
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