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Nonmelanocytic Tumors of the Skin(AFIP Atlas of Tumor & Non-Tumor Pathology, 5th Series,Fascicle 7)

Nonmelanocytic Tumors of the Skin(AFIP Atlas of Tumor & Non-Tumor Pathology, 5th Series,Fascicle 7)

販売価格: 47,630(税込)


This latest version of the Atlas of Non-melanocytic Tumors of the Skin is rich in illustrations, aimed to highlight important diagnostic aspects of individual cutaneous epithelial, mesenchymal, hematopoietic and lymphoid tumors, and to delineate their morphologic spectrum. The images are supplemented by concise text to emphasize the salient clinical and histologic features, differential diagnosis, and the use of immunohistochemistry and other ancillary tests. The goal is to provide a practical diagnostic guide that will serve as a useful resource for dermatopathology and surgical pathology practice.


著者 Thomas Brenn, MD, PhD, FRCPath; John Goodlad, MD; Thomas Mentzel, MD
出版社 ARP Press
発刊年 2021年09月
ISBN 978-1-933477-12-1
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