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Non-Neoplastic Diseases of Liver(AFIP Atlas of Tumor & Non-Tumor Pathology, 5th Series,Fascicle 10)

Non-Neoplastic Diseases of Liver(AFIP Atlas of Tumor & Non-Tumor Pathology, 5th Series,Fascicle 10)

販売価格: 46,640(税込)


AFIP Atlas: Non-Neoplastic Diseases of the Liver 



The primary goal of this fascicle is to be a practical reference for pathologists who review liver biopsies, a most challenging area of diagnostic surgical pathology. It is focused on diagnostic histopathology, discussing and lavishly illustrating disease patterns with an emphasis on differential diagnosis. The key aspects of clinical features, laboratory findings, and pathophysiology are woven into this book. The application and interpretation of special stains and immunohistochemistry are integrated into discussions of each disease pattern.


Order the Non-Neoplastic Diseases of the Liver atlas now to take advantage of this excellent resource for diagnostic surgical pathologists.


著者 Michael Torbenson, MD, Sanjay Kakar, MD; Kay Washington, MD, PhD
出版社 ARP Press
発刊年 2022年2月
ISBN 978-1-933477-18-3
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