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Osborn's Brain, 3rd Edition

Osborn's Brain, 3rd Edition

販売価格: 48,180(税込)



Combining informative, meticulously crafted prose with more than 4,000 high-quality images, Osborn's Brain, third edition, is a comprehensive, easy to understand, and visually stunning learning curriculum from highly esteemed author Dr. Anne G. Osborn. This fully revised edition provides a solid framework for understanding the complex subject of brain imaging, integrating relevant information from Dr. Osborn’s entire career of accumulated knowledge, experience, and interest in neuropathology, neurosurgery, and clinical neurosciences. While neuroradiologists will find intriguing, thought-provoking insights included especially for them in every chapter, Osborn’s Brain is an excellent review resource for physicians at all levels of expertise—from seasoned radiologists and neurosurgeons to new and senior residents or fellows.


著者 Osborn, Linscott & Salzman
出版社 Elsevier
発刊年 2023年10月
ISBN 978-0-443-10937-9
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